Web Science 2017 Trip Report

Web Science 2017 Trip Report

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to present Yasmin AlNoamany’s work at Web Science 2017. Dr. Nelson offers an excellent class on Web Science, but it has been years since I had taken it and I still was uncertain about the current state of the art. Web Science 2017...

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Reference Rot

Reference Rot

A presentation of the work I had done with the Research Library Prototyping Team at Los Alamos National Laboratory given to the local chapter of the Special Libraries Association in New Mexico.

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Uniform Access to Raw Mementos

Uniform Access to Raw Mementos

by Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson, Lyudmila Balakireva, Martin Klein, Shawn M. Jones, and Harihar Shankar

Most web archives augment Mementos when presenting them to the user, often for usability or legal purposes. Research efforts and software projects need access the original captured “raw” Mementos. So that users and software do not need to resort to archive-specific solutions, ...

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Discovering Scholars Everywhere They Tread

Discovering Scholars Everywhere They Tread

Though scholars write articles and papers, they also post a lot of content on the web. Datasets, blog posts (like this one), presentations, and more are posted by scholars as part of scholarly communications. What if we could aggregate the content by scholar, instead of by web...

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Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries

Given a scholar’s identity on a portal, how can we crawl the scholarly portal to ensure that we capture all of their content? In this post, I evaluate a number of scholarly portals to find their boundaries, the URI patterns that allow us to capture the content of a user.

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Trusted Timestamping of Mementos

Trusted Timestamping of Mementos

In this post, I examine different trusted timestamping methods. I start with some of the more traditional methods before discussing OriginStamp, a solution by Gipp, Meuschke, and Gernandt that uses the Bitcoin blockchain for timestamping.

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Scholarly Context Adrift: Three out of Four URI References Lead to Changed Content

Scholarly Context Adrift: Three out of Four URI References Lead to Changed Content

by Shawn M. Jones, Herbert Van de Sompel, Harihar Shankar, Martin Klein, Richard Tobin, and Claire Grover

Increasingly, scholarly articles contain URI references to “web at large” resources including project web sites, scholarly wikis, ontologies, online debates, presentations, blogs, and videos. Authors reference such resources to provide essential context for the research they r...

Web mentions

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Fun with Fictional Web Sites and the Internet Archive

Fun with Fictional Web Sites and the Internet Archive

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Internet Archive, I realize that using Memento and the Wayback Machine has become second nature when solving certain problems, not only in my research, but also in my life. Those who have read my Master’s Thesis, Avoiding Spoilers on...

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Memento at the W3C

Memento at the W3C

We are pleased to report that the W3C has embraced Memento for versioning its specifications and its wiki. Completing this effort required collaboration between the W3C and the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Research Library Prototyping Team. Here we inform others of th...

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Mementos in the Raw, Take Two

Mementos in the Raw, Take Two

In a previous post, we discussed a way to use the existing Memento protocol combined with link headers to access unaltered (raw) archived web content. Interest in unaltered content has grown as more use cases arise for web archives. Ilya Kremer and David Rosenthal had previous...

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