Improving Collection Understanding for Web Archives with Storytelling: Shining Light Into Dark and Stormy Archives

Improving Collection Understanding for Web Archives with Storytelling: Shining Light Into Dark and Stormy Archives

by Shawn M. Jones

Collections are the tools that people use to make sense of an ever-increasing number of archived web pages. As collections themselves grow, we need tools to make sense of them. Tools that work on the general web, like search engines, are not a good fit for these collections be...

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Improving Collection Understanding For Web Archives With Storytelling

Improving Collection Understanding For Web Archives With Storytelling

In a perfect world, all articles consistently contain sufficient metadata to describe the resource. We know this is not the reality, so we are motivated to investigate the evolution of the metadata that is present when authors and publishers supply their own. Because applying ...

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Interoperability for Accessing Versions of Web Resources with the Memento Protocol

Interoperability for Accessing Versions of Web Resources with the Memento Protocol

by Shawn M. Jones, Martin Klein, Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson, and Michele C. Weigle

Used by a variety of researchers, web archive collections have become invaluable sources of evidence. If a researcher is presented with a web archive collection that they did not create, how do they know what is inside so that they can use it for their own research? Search eng...

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Automatically Selecting Striking Images for Social Cards

Automatically Selecting Striking Images for Social Cards

To allow previewing a web page, social media platforms have developed social cards: visualizations consisting of vital information about the underlying resource. At a minimum, social cards often include features such as the web resource’s title, text summary, striking image, a...

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Automatically Selecting Striking Images for Social Cards

Automatically Selecting Striking Images for Social Cards

by Shawn M. Jones, Michele C. Weigle, Martin Klein, Michael L. Nelson

To allow previewing a web page, social media platforms have developed social cards: visualizations consisting of vital information about the underlying resource. At a minimum, social cards often include features such as the web resource’s title, text summary, striking image, a...

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Off-Topic Memento Toolkit to identify topical outliers in web archive collections

Off-Topic Memento Toolkit to identify topical outliers in web archive collections

Since researchers and archivists are most often interested in the on-topic content of these collections, identifying the off-topic Mementos is a crucial first step before further analysis. For that reason, we created the Off-Topic Memento Toolkit (OTMT), which identifies (but ...

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MementoEmbed and Raintale for Web Archive Storytelling

MementoEmbed and Raintale for Web Archive Storytelling

We developed MementoEmbed, an archive-aware service that can generate different types of visualizations for a given Memento. MementoEmbed can generate cards that appropriately attribute content to its original resource, including both the original domain and associated favico...

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Robustifying Links To Combat Reference Rot

Robustifying Links To Combat Reference Rot

by Shawn M. Jones, Martin Klein, and Herbert Van de Sompel

Links to web resources frequently break, and linked content can change at unpredictable rates. These dynamics of the Web are detrimental when references to web resources provide evidence or supporting information. In this paper, we highlight the significance of reference rot, ...

Web mentions

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The Dark and Stormy Archives Project: Summarizing Web Archives Through Social Media Storytelling

The Dark and Stormy Archives Project: Summarizing Web Archives Through Social Media Storytelling

Individual web archive collections can contain thousands of documents. If a researcher wants to use one of these collections, which one best meets their information need? How does the researcher differentiate them? deally, a user would be able to glance at a visualization and ...

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Embedded Tweets From @realDonaldTrump: They Won’t Break, But They Can Be Faked

Embedded Tweets From @realDonaldTrump: They Won’t Break, But They Can Be Faked

On Friday, Twitter suspended Donald Trump’s account due to concerns that his current and future tweets might continue to foment violence in the United States. Hayes Brown from MSNBC and Marshall Cohen from CNN echoed a concern I had when developing MementoEmbed: what happens t...

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