Using the Memento Mediawiki Extension to avoid spoilers

Using the Memento Mediawiki Extension to avoid spoilers

This video shows how to use the Memento Mediawiki Extension to avoid spoilers on fan-based wikis. To achieve this, the Memento Mediawiki Extension must be installed on the given fan-based wiki, and then used with the Memento Chrome Extension.

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Avoiding Spoilers with Memento

Avoiding Spoilers with Memento

The Memento Chrome Extension can help avoid spoilers in fan wikis. This video briefly demonstrates how it does so.

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Continuous Integration: Finding Problems Soonest

Continuous Integration: Finding Problems Soonest

This is a brief presentation on Continuous Integration for the Defense Acquisition University, providing a simple overview of the how and why of Continuous Integration.

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A Brief Introduction to Test-Driven Development

A Brief Introduction to Test-Driven Development

I was invited to presented Test Driven Development to the ODU chapter of the ACM. Here I provide an introduction to the methodology, why one should use it, and the results of personal experience using the methodology, as well as why some do not think it is worthwhile.

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